Saturday, January 5, 2008

Data Entry sucks!!

I have been performing alot of data entry work lately. It seriously sucks!!
Been doing alot work which has been tasked lat mintue.

I managed to ask my previous boss to participate in getting a free booth, hopefully she agrees...then i can meet up old my colleagues....:)

Anyways, i can't believe that i will be working 7 days straight from 18-20th!!!
I have to be there at 7am?!!!!Looks like i have to wake up at 5am and board the 1st bus?!!!waaahhhhh.. The event ends at 8pm, and i am really sure that we wont get to leave by 8.30pm, and we have to be at the auditorium by 8am for the next 2 day?!!

I just can't imagine going back to work on monday!!I would be totally zonked out!!!!God Help Me!!:(

Btw i was planning to chill out today at work, instead i ended up boring!!
My Manager just emailed me to re-do the data entry work again?!!!Thats a damn waste of time!!I could do other stuffs, there is NO way i can finish it off within 2 days?!!!Crazy yaar!!!

Juts the other day, my colleague & i were discussing about performing OT. I mean i see everyone at my place staying late. Nobody leaves on the dot or even 15mins later. I mean staying late everyday doesn't sound great!!! I don't even have enough time for myself after work wonder how they manage to do it.I am seeing people who don't even go for lunch?!!Nothing can be soo important than food!!!right?No life folks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We offers data Entry from various file formats and media to other. With our extensive technical expertise in this area, we are almost certain to cater to any of your complex conversion requirements, be it in any format, file types or media.