Monday, February 26, 2007

The Academy Awards

Finally the oscars r here... wish i was at home watching it happily while sipping my tea.....i never missed it!!!! I cant even watch e re-telecast has i work late today.. oh damn!:(

Guess all e ppl who deserved it got it..Forest Whitaker used to act in alot lousy movies.. glad to know that his acting skills hasnt gone unappreciated.:)

Sadly Water didnt get e Best foreign would have been great... my pal told me it is super sad...but a really touching movie....i AM NOT goin to catch it tho.. To look on the bright side, im glad that e movie got alot recognition since deepa mehta met up with alot problems earlier on.

okie... im just praying that i get to leave early to catch a glimpse of the show...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know witaker is gonna win!! give it to him he deserve that!!!!
cool site!!!