Sunday, August 29, 2010

Naan Paavam illeh?!

So much has happened and still happening.
My colleague who joined much later has been promoted twice within 2 months?! Wherelse my performance have to be monitored?!!WTF!?

With a weird twist to it, i did got promoted! So am io delighted?The least bit! First and foremost, that is not my position. I was not informed about it. I was just informed by a damn rude email !!!To make it worse, my dumbo manager did not even talk it through ?!Imagine my frustration, anger and annoyance?! To make it even worse, the colleague who was promoted unjustly is my lunch buddy and my neighbor!Gosh! im not a saint!

I am trying my level best not to snap at anyone. Life is sooo unjust at times. Everyone whom i have worked with has left me behind. Then why i still rotting here?! I want get the hell outta here too! Crap! Why do i think ages to find a job?grrrr...... I'm hoping and praying to get a better job soon. Its very demoralizing to go back to work every single day!!!!

Anyways i finally confronted my dear manager about it. Guess what?! He was not informed about my promotion?! That goes to say that my bloody perisu happily went ahead to send that email without consulting my manager?!!What kinda stupid management is that?!!!! Something idiotic is occurring everyday. There is new project coming up and i dun want to do it!!! Oh please let me find a better job by next month!Plssssssssssssssssssssssssss..................

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